Implementing Access Control using Zend_Acl

This article shows an implementation of Access Control using Zend_Acl.
You can check the screens from demonstration site.

1.Create Tables
In this article, the following tables are used.
2.Create Controller
Create the file application/constorllers/MessageController.php with the following content.
3.Create Models
Create the file application/models/Messages.php with the following content.

Create the file application/models/forms/MessageForm.php with the following content.

Create the file application/models/acls/MessageAcl.php with the following content.

4.Create Views
Create the file application/views/scripts/message/list.phtml with the following content.

Create the file application/views/scripts/message/form.phtml with the following content.

Create the file application/views/scripts/message/detail.phtml with the following content.

Create the file application/views/scripts/message/finish.phtml with the following content.

Create the file application/views/scripts/message/deny.phtml with the following content.

Access the web server and check that some members can’t edit messages.
Date Content
2008/5/9 Published
2008/5/9 MessageAcl was fixed.(changed from ‘view’ to ‘detail’)

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